Programme Attainments
The Programme commenced in November 2017 and was extended to August 2021.

Interim Evaluation in Brief
Hello, I am Jonathan Plucker, a professor of Johns Hopkins University and Evaluator in Chief of the Jockey Club “Gifted in Bloom – Harmony in Heart & Mind” programme. Over the past generation, researchers have come to understand the critical role played by social and emotional factors in the development of talent. Not only that the intention to develop students’ self concepts, identity and motivation helps students, society also benefits when students are able to succeed academically, socially and emotionally. However a few cultures have embraced the role of social-emotional development within their education programmes at a large scale. Therefore HKAGE’s Jockey Club “Gifted in Bloom – Harmony in Heart & Mind” programme, funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, is a unique and important project. The evaluation results provide evidence that all stakeholder groups including students, parents and teachers understand the importance of affective development and now have strategies to promote it. As a result, we believe that the Jockey Club “Gifted in Bloom – Harmony in Heart & Mind” Programme has made Hong Kong a global leader in the social and emotional education of gifted students.
Prof. PLUCKER Jonathan
Evaluation in Chief
Jockey Club “Gifted in Bloom – Harmony in Heart & Mind” Programme
Johns Hopkins University